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Bach Flower Remedies - Red Chestnut


  • £5.00

Red Chestnut helps those who are fearful for the safety of others. Those in need of Red Chestnut worry for the safety of others, particularly those close to them. When things do not happen as anticipated they will immediately fear the worst, imagining that some harm has befallen their loved ones; ‘they must have had an accident’. A mother who is afraid for her children when they are even a little late home is a good example of this kind of fear, a fear that will immediately vanish when the family members return unharmed. Red Chestnut helps to restore optimism and trust in the Divine Plan bringing the recognition that everyone has their own path and is divinely looked after no matter what happens to them.

  • Latin Name - Aesculus carnea
  • Red Chestnut is prepared by the boiling method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed Red Chestnut in the Fear Group

Benefits of Red Chestnut:

  • Knows that all is well and loved ones are safe and secure.
  • Healthy empathy, cares for others but doesn’t over-identify with their problems.
  • Ability to send healing thoughts to others instead of projecting fear.
  • Healthy detachment from others.

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