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Bach Flower Remedies - Scleranthus


  • £5.00

Scleranthus helps to restore the qualities of balance and decisiveness in the personality. Those in need of Scleranthus can be gripped by crippling indecision when faced with a choice between two things. In this situation they will usually weigh things up and ‘um & ah’ for a long time. Emotionally they can swing from one extreme to another very easily and may become quickly tearful. Mentally they can have a tendency to respond to outside stimulus rather like a grasshopper, making it hard for them to concentrate in the negative state. Scleranthus helps to restore one’s inner point of balance creating a greater connection with the Soul and one’s own inner direction.

  • Latin Name - Scleranthus annuss
  • Scleranthus is prepared by the sun method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed Scleranthus in the Uncertainty Group
  • Scleranthus is one of Bach’s original Twelve Healers

Benefits of Scleranthus:

  • Feels well-balanced, emotionally and mentally.
  • Makes decisions easily and feels certain about one’s decision afterwards.
  • Finds it easy to choose between two options.
  • Centred and reliable with a strong connection to your inner direction.

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