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Bach Flower Remedies - Walnut


  • £5.00

Walnut promotes adaptability, emotional flexibility and protection during times of change. We all face the challenge of change many times in our lives and Walnut helps us to be open, flexible and adaptable at such times. This might be changes that occur as we move through the various stages of life, or life style changes such as bereavement, divorce, new house or job. In such situations Walnut acts as a link breaker helping us to release the old and decisively embrace the new. It can also provide a cloak of protection for those over sensitive to their environment or to the influence of others.

  • Latin Name - Juglans regia
  • Walnut is prepared by the boiling method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed Walnut in the Oversensitive to Influences and Ideas Group

Benefits of Walnut:

  • Flexible and adapts easily to change. open to new opportunities.
  • Feels centred within one’s own energy field, unaffected by others’ energy.
  • Embraces changes and transitions.
  • Aids new beginnings and breakthrough.
  • Moves forward steadily, true to yourself.

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