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Bach Flower Remedies - Larch


  • £5.00

Larch helps to restore confidence in one’s own abilities. Those in need of Larch have such an in built unconscious certainty of failure that they never attempt new things in life and so never discover their true potential. They automatically feel inferior to others and will stand back, allowing those that they feel are better able than themselves to take up life’s opportunities. Larch helps to remind those with these traits that deep down they do have the ability and restores their confidence to live life to the full.

  • Latin Name - Larix europea
  • Larch is prepared by the boiling method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed Larch in the Despondency or Despair Group

Benefits of Larch:

  • Feels confident and self-assured.
  • Tackles new projects and new challenges with confidence.
  • Feels limitless, expansive and able to define and accomplish own goals.
  • Feels equal to others.
  • Fulfils potential, lives life to the full.
  • Restores confidence after failure.

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