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Bach Flower Remedies - White Chestnut


  • £5.00

White Chestnut brings the gift of a calm, peaceful mind uncluttered by unnecessary thoughts. Those in need of White Chestnut suffer from a constantly busy mind in which there is no reprieve from revolving thoughts that circulate round and round like a hamster on a wheel. They often experience recurring internal mental arguments and conversations, all states that effectively cut them off from the present moment and can sometimes make it difficult to sleep. White Chestnut brings tranquillity and clarity of thought.

  • Latin Name - Aesculus hippocastanum
  • White Chestnut is prepared by the sun method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed White Chestnut in the Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Group

Benefits of White Chestnut:

  • Serene, peaceful mind.
  • Ability to sleep and meditate easily.
  • Focused mind, ability to concentrate well.
  • Receives intuitive guidance instead of trying to find solutions using the mind.

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