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Chamomilla 6c Homeopathic Pillules - 14gp

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Chamomilla 6c Homeopathic Pillules - 14gp

Chamomilla, derived from the German chamomile plant (Matricaria chamomilla), is a popular homeopathic remedy. It is widely used to treat conditions associated with irritability, restlessness, and pain, particularly in children. Here are the main uses and indications for Chamomilla in homeopathy:

Common Uses of Chamomilla

Teething in Infants:

  • Teething Pain: Chamomilla is one of the most commonly used remedies for teething pain in infants. Symptoms include excessive crying, irritability, and a desire to be carried or comforted.
  • Restlessness: The infant may be extremely restless, unable to be comforted, and exhibit a desire for constant attention.

Pain and Inflammation:

  • Ear Infections (Otitis): Chamomilla is effective for ear infections with severe pain and irritability. The child may be inconsolable and experience relief from warmth and being held.
  • Toothache: It can be used for toothache, particularly when the pain is intense, and the individual is irritable and hypersensitive to pain.

Digestive Issues:

  • Colic: Chamomilla is beneficial for colic in infants, characterized by intense abdominal pain, crying, and irritability. The child may draw their legs up to their abdomen and feel better when carried or rocked.
  • Diarrhoea: This remedy is indicated for diarrhoea, especially when associated with teething or emotional upset. The stools are often greenish and foul-smelling.

Menstrual and Labor Pains:

  • Dysmenorrhea (Painful Periods): Chamomilla is used for painful menstrual cramps, where the pain may radiate to the thighs, and the individual is irritable and intolerant of the pain.
  • Labour Pains: It can help alleviate labour pains that are intense, unbearable, and cause significant irritability and anger.

Emotional and Behavioral Symptoms:

  • Irritability and Anger: Chamomilla is known for treating extreme irritability and anger, often with a desire to be left alone. The person may be difficult to please and intolerant of pain or discomfort.
  • Restlessness: The remedy is effective for restlessness, where the individual is constantly moving, fidgeting, or needing to be carried or rocked.

Sleep Disturbances:

  • Difficulty Falling Asleep: Chamomilla can help with sleep disturbances, particularly in children who have trouble falling asleep due to pain, irritability, or restlessness.

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