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Aconite 6c Homeopathic Pillules - 14gp

  • £7.95

Aconite 6c Homeopathic Pillules - 14gp

Aconite, also known as Aconitum napellus or monkshood, is a widely used homeopathic remedy derived from the plant Aconitum napellus. In homeopathy, Aconite is known for its effectiveness in treating acute and sudden onset conditions, particularly those associated with fear, shock, and exposure to cold, dry wind. Here are the main uses and indications for Aconite in homeopathic practice:

Common Uses of Aconite

Acute Infections and Inflammations:

Aconite is often used at the onset of colds, flu, and other acute infections, especially when symptoms come on suddenly and intensely. This includes high fever, chills, sore throat, and a dry, croupy cough.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks:

This remedy is known for its ability to address acute anxiety, panic attacks, and fear, particularly following a traumatic event or a sudden fright. Symptoms may include restlessness, palpitations, and a feeling of impending doom.

Shock and Trauma:

Aconite can be helpful in treating the effects of shock and trauma, both physical and emotional. It is often used in situations where a person experiences sudden, intense fear or shock, such as after an accident or a frightening event.

Exposure to Cold Wind:

This remedy is particularly indicated for ailments that arise after exposure to cold, dry wind. Symptoms might include sudden chills, fever, and other acute inflammatory responses.

Early Stages of Illness:

Aconite is frequently used at the very beginning of an illness to halt its progression. It is most effective when administered at the first signs of symptoms, such as the sudden onset of a high fever or an acute inflammatory condition.

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