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Allium Cepa 30c Homeopathic Pillules - 14gp

  • £7.95

  • Allium Cepa 30c Homeopathic Pillules - 14gp

Allium cepa, commonly known as the homeopathic remedy made from the red onion, is used to treat a variety of conditions, primarily those involving symptoms similar to the effects of chopping a raw onion. In homeopathy, the principle of "like cures like" is applied, meaning that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person when administered in highly diluted forms.

Common Uses of Allium Cepa

Colds and Flu:

  • Allium cepa is often used to treat symptoms of the common cold and flu, particularly when the person experiences a runny nose with watery discharge that is irritating to the nostrils and upper lip. These symptoms can be accompanied by sneezing and a tickling cough.

Hay Fever and Allergies:

  • It is also used for hay fever and other allergic conditions where the individual experiences profuse, watery, and irritating nasal discharge, along with tearing eyes that may not be irritating. These symptoms can often worsen in warm rooms and improve in open air.

Eye Conditions:

  • This remedy can help with eye irritation, tearing, and burning sensations, similar to the effects experienced when cutting an onion. It can be used for conjunctivitis (pink eye) and other inflammatory eye conditions.


  • Headaches associated with sinus congestion and pressure, particularly those that improve in open air and worsen in warm rooms, may also respond well to Allium cepa.

Laryngeal and Throat Irritations:

  • Symptoms like a raw feeling in the throat and a hoarse voice, especially when they occur with nasal discharge and cough, are other conditions treated with Allium cepa.

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