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Nature's Own High Potency B Complex Capsules

60 capsules

  • £19.40

A comprehensive, high potency B complex formula providing key B vitamins in their most metabolically active forms, alongside vitamin C.

Comprehensive B-Vitamin Coverage: These supplements often provide a spectrum of B vitamins in higher doses than standard formulations to address potential deficiencies and support overall health.

Energy Metabolism: B vitamins play a crucial role in converting food into energy. A high-potency B-complex may support the body's energy production processes.

Nervous System Support: B vitamins are vital for maintaining a healthy nervous system. They contribute to neurotransmitter synthesis and help support cognitive function.

Stress Management: B-complex vitamins, particularly B5 (pantothenic acid) and B6 (pyridoxine), are involved in the body's stress response. High-potency formulations may be beneficial during times of increased stress.

Cardiovascular Health: Certain B vitamins, such as B6, B12, and folate, play roles in maintaining cardiovascular health by supporting healthy homocysteine levels.

Cellular Health: B vitamins are essential for DNA synthesis and repair, contributing to overall cellular health.

Red Blood Cell Formation: B-complex vitamins, including B12 and folate, are crucial for the formation of red blood cells, supporting oxygen transport in the body.

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