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Bach Flower Remedies - Gentian


  • £5.00

Gentian is the remedy for those who need help to restore the soul qualities of trust and faith at a personality level. Those who need this remedy are uncertain about their relationship with their Creator and find it difficult to see themselves as part of a greater whole in which all is ordered according to a higher plan. They are easily discouraged by even small setbacks in life and can appear pessimistic and cynical because they find it very difficult to see a positive resolution to any problem. The phrase ‘doubting Thomas’ sums up the negative Gentian state very well.

  • Latin Name - Gentiana amarella
  • Gentian is prepared by the sun method of potentisation
  • Gentian is one of Bach’s original Twelve Healers
  • Dr Bach placed Gentian in the Uncertainty Group

Benefits of taking Gentian:

  • Positive faith in all situations.
  • Recognises Divine Plan even when things don’t go according to own plans.
  • Optimistic outlook: ‘glass half full’.
  • Trusts the knowing of the heart instead of trying to understand with the mind.

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