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Bach Flower Remedies - Star of Bethlehem


  • £5.00

Star of Bethlehem is helpful in any situation where shock or trauma of any kind has been experienced, whether immediate or in the past. If this essence is given immediately in situations of shock and trauma it will help to take away the numbing effect and assist recovery. This should obviously not replace medical assistance, but could enhance it. This remedy can be very beneficial for those who retain shock or trauma at some level from past situations and events. Situations such as bereavement, accident, sudden loss of job, divorce, ‘bad’ news etc are all situations that might call for the help of Star of Bethlehem.

  • Latin Name - Ornithogalum umbellatum
  • Star of Bethlehem is prepared by the boiling method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed Star of Bethlehem in the Despondency or Despair Group
  • Star of Bethlehem is part of the Revival Remedy combination

Benefits of Star of Bethlehem:

  • Feels comforted after shock or trauma.
  • Stays present, doesn’t ‘check out’ in traumatic or difficult situations.
  • Feels able to deal with shock and trauma more easily.
  • Releases trauma from energy system for greater reintegration and presence.

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