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Bach Flower Remedies - Vervain


  • £5.00

Vervain helps those who need to restore balance to the unconscious belief that it is their responsibility to take care of everything around them. Those in need of Vervain have very high principles and ideals that they seek to convert others to, by the sheer force of their will and enthusiasm. They are perfectionists who tend to overwork, driving themselves way past what is reasonable, often becoming wound up & highly strung as a result. In the acute state they can be fanatical, over zealous and incensed by injustice. Vervain restores balance to these states allowing the personality to take a more realistic perspective in its attitude to responsibility and to recognise the need for others to have the freedom to follow their own path in life.

  • Latin Name - Verbena officinalis
  • Vervain is prepared by the sun method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed Vervain in the Overcare for Welfare of Others Group
  • Vervain is one of Bach’s original Twelve Healers

Benefits of Vervain:

  • Healthy balance between work and relaxation.
  • Balanced enthusiasm that motivates and inspires others without pushing.
  • Mind and body relaxed, able to switch off to sleep and rest.
  • Inspired action without getting burnt out.
  • Appropriate responsibility, doesn’t need to ‘save’ others.

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