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Lewtress Kombucha Chung Mee Revitalizer 1Litre


  • £7.75

Lewtress Kombucha is non-dairy, meaning that it will help your digestive system rather than irritate it unlike many other ‘high street quality’ products on the market that contain dairy and sugar.

It's delicious! This light, naturally effervescent drink based on the finest of Chinese green teas rolls off the tongue like a mellow dry cider.

Chung Mee helps enhance mental alertness and vitality whilst reducing stress levels giving an all round feel good factor.

Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, in particular those called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG’s are powerful anti-oxidants known to inhibit the growth of abnormal cells, without harming healthy tissue. Green Tea also contains antioxidants that help combat heart related ailments as well as giving holistic protection to the entire body.
Green tea extracts have been shown to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth and reduce cavities.
Kombucha has also been shown to boost fertility (in both partners) and provide support during pregnancy.

Based on the finest Chinese green tea extract, Chung Mee Kombucha was the first Kombucha Revitalizer to be used at our Natural Therapy Clinic, where, since 1994, it has been a favourite to help to keep energy levels up. It is also popular for breaking the routine and using as an alternative when on long-term use of our other herbal Kombuchas.

Compared with other soft drink and table versions on the market, most of which have been treated or preserved in some way (thereby limiting the health benefits). Our Chung Mee Kombucha Revitalizer has been fermented as a health tonic, in the way nature intended, with no artificial flavourings, colourings, or preservatives of any kind.

What are the benefits?

  • Provides a gentle effective detox for the whole body.
  • Supports the heart & circulatory system.
  • Provides support for the kidneys and prostate.
  • Assists digestion.
  • Helps to control cholesterol levels.
  • Suitable for Diabetics.
  • Suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.
  • 100% pure, natural ingredients.
  • Manufactured under strict controls.
  • Can be added to mineral water or fruit juice

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