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Lewtress Kombucha Sencha Revitalizer 1 Litre


  • £7.75

Medium dry and semi-sparkling, Lewtress Kombucha is Delicious! Forget the rest - try the BEST!

Lewtress Kombucha green tea is non-dairy, meaning that it will help your digestive system rather than irritate it unlike many other ‘high street quality’ products on the market that are dairy and sugar based.

Sencha Green Tea was first introduced into Japan over 1200 years ago and was used as a way of keeping alert but calm during long meditations.

Green tea contains important polyphenols which are believed to be responsible for most of green teas’ roles in promoting good health. Modern research has confirmed many health benefits from including green tea in your daily diet.

Traditional Chinese medicine has recommended green tea for relief of headaches, body aches and pains, high blood pressure, digestion, low mood levels, immune enhancement, detoxification and as an energiser to help prolong a healthy life.

Based on the finest available Sencha green tea extracts, Sencha is one of the mildest tasting of our Green Tea Kombucha range but still shares the same detoxifying qualities and all the other benefits that Kombucha can provide.

Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, in particular those called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG’s are powerful anti-oxidants known to inhibit the growth of abnormal cells, without harming healthy tissue.
Green Tea also contains antioxidants that help combat heart related ailments as well as giving holistic protection to the entire body.
It has also been shown to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth and reduce cavities.

A totally natural product, Sencha is often used in a maintenance programme, or between using one of the other Kombuchas

Compared with other soft drink and table versions on the market (most of which have been treated or preserved in some way, thereby limiting the health benefits). Our Sencha Green Tea Kombucha has been fermented as a health tonic, the way nature intended, with no artificial flavourings, colourings, or preservatives of any kind.

What are the benefits?

  • A general tonic for calmness and balance.
  • An aid to good digestion.
  • Suitable for Vegans, Vegetarians and Diabetics.
  • Manufactured under strict controls.
  • 100% pure, natural ingredients.
  • Can be added to mineral water or fruit juice.

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