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Bach Flower Remedies - Rock Water


  • £5.00

Rock Water helps to restore the ability to be open minded and flexible in one’s beliefs. Those in need of Rock Water set themselves very high standards and impose very strict disciplines upon themselves in an effort to adhere to their high minded, idealistic principles. They hope to set an example for others to follow by forcing themselves to be saints or martyrs. As a result they live a very rigid lifestyle, often denying themselves even the smallest luxury. This self-punishing attitude creates deeply suppressed physical & emotional needs. The phrase ‘a sack cloth & ashes type’ sums up the acute state of this remedy very well. Rock Water helps to dissolve these personality traits bringing the understanding that it is loving acceptance of all aspects of self and freedom from dogma that allows us to make real and lasting inner change.

  • Latin Name - Aqua
  • Rock Water is prepared by the sun method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed Rock Water in the Over care for Welfare of Others Group

Benefits of Rock Water:

  • Feels loving kindness towards oneself.
  • Ability to honour physical, emotional and spiritual needs in a balanced way.
  • Spontaneous, open-minded and flexible attitude to life and yourself.
  • Takes pleasure in life.

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