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Bach Flower Remedies - Wild Oat


  • £5.00

Wild Oat promotes an inner certainty about the vocational direction of one's life. Those in need of Wild Oat have not yet connected with the inner direction of their Soul that would give them clarity on the direction of their chosen life path. They are often strongly ambitious people with many talents and gifts but as they lack a strong inner sense of how to use them tend to end up flitting from one thing to another. A state of uncertainty that means they are endlessly searching in the outer world for the ‘right’ direction when the answer is actually within themselves. Wild Oat helps to strengthen their inner connection and promote clarity of direction.

  • Latin Name - Bromus asper
  • Wild Oat is prepared by the sun method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed Wild Oat in the Uncertainty Group

Benefits of Wild Oat:

  • Know your path and follow it.
  • Sense of purpose, clear vocation and direction in life.
  • Connection with Soul purpose and guidance.
  • Feels fulfilled and satisfied by life choices.

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