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A. Vogel Digestisan


  • £10.50

A traditional herbal medicinal product used to relieve indigestion, feelings of fullness and flatulence associated with over-indulgence in food or drink or both, exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional remedy.

Indigestion is a common problem experienced by many people. Eating more than you need is a common factor but others include a diet rich in fats and alcohol, rushing meals, not chewing food properly and stress.

The most common indigestion symptoms experienced are abdominal discomfort, feeling ‘full of wind’, flatulence or a general feeling of fullness.

Digestisan contains fresh extracts of Artichoke, Dandelion, Peppermint and dried Boldo leaves.

  • Herbal indigestion remedy
  • Helps with feeling of fullness and flatulence
  • Made from natural herbs artichoke, dandelion, peppermint and boldo


Digestisan contains four herbal extracts (tinctures) obtained from herbs organically cultivated in Switzerland. 1ml of Digestisan (equivalent to 38 drops) contains:

Cynara scolymus (Fresh Artichoke leaves) tincture - 414mg (ethanol 65% V/V)

Taraxacum officinalis (Fresh Dandelion root & herb) tincture – 414mg (ethanol 51% V/V)

Peumus boldus (Boldo leaves) – 64mg (ethanol 70% V/V)

Mentha x piperita (Fresh Peppermint herb) – 28mg (ethanol 65% V/V).

Other ingredients used are ethanol and water.

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