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Bach Flower Remedies - Oak


  • £5.00

Oak helps those who need help to restore the qualities of strength and endurance. Those in need of Oak tend to struggle on enduring all things long after others would have given up. They possess great strength and courage and like the mighty Oak tree itself often provide shelter and nourishment for others. However this is often done at great cost to themselves and can lead to the despairing feeling of being suddenly and completely lacking in the strength to carry on. Often a great weariness comes over them. Taken short term Oak will help to restore strength and fortitude so that they can carry on. Taken more long term it will help the Oak personality to find new balance so that they learn to conserve some energy and reserves for themselves.

  • Latin Name - Quercus robur
  • Oak is prepared by the sun method of potentisation
  • Dr Bach placed Oak in the Despondency or Despair Group

Benefits of Oak:

  • Feels strong, replenished, resilient and supported.
  • Strength and endurance.
  • Balances responsibilities with good self-care and rest.
  • Feels physically energised with a strong healthy physical body.
  • Embraces appropriate responsibilities, doesn’t take on too much.

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